Quality training options available in South Canterbury.
- Activity based corporate training
- Customised options
- Myers Briggs
- Health and Safety
- Dispute Resolution
Activity Based Corporate Training
Professional activity based training can assist you with;
- Improving staff communications
- Enabling staff to work more effectively together
- Developing decisive decision making
- Embracing differences in the team
Customised Training
Customised, in-company training allows your organisation flexibility with regard programme content and structure. Your organisation's culture can also be integrated into the programme to enhance its effectiveness.
- Business Skills
- Team Development
- Leadership
- Management Development
- Personal Development
- Sales and Customer Service
Health and Safety Training
- Manual Handling
- Health and Safety Committee Training
- Accident Investigation
- Hazard Identification
Myers Briggs
When teams or the staff as a whole understand how they are wired it can boost the individuals confidence and the tolerance of the team to each other. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator explores and explain personal temperament and is a powerful tool to get people working together with understanding and desire to cooperate to achieve a common goal.
Training Needs Analysis
Training Needs AnalysisTraining has been identified as one of the seven key ways of improving workplace productivity. Progressive Solutionz.biz can help your business identify the key training areas. We can then assist you in finding the best training providers to meet those needs.
Dispute Resolution Training
Progressive Solutionz.biz have a variety of training programmes or can develop in-house training to cover all aspects of conflict resolution, mediation, negotiation and conflict-related communication skills.
Learning effective conflict resolution skills is becoming increasingly important.
- Effective Communication Skills
- Positively Handling Difficult Behaviour and Situations
- Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Skills
- Mediation Skills